Apple (AAPL) Stock Price Got Crushed Friday Morning Hit $120, Scoop And Profit

by Das Brain

Last Friday August 10th, Apple’s stock (AAPL) got hit. On the intraday Apple’s stock price hit a low of $120 and then shot back up to $127.62 then closed on the day at $125. Whoaaa…..what a roller coaster ride, volatility has been a big issue over the month or so.

Looking at the chart below, you can see where I bought (green dots) on that day, and where I sold (red dot) on the next day Monday, August 13th.  The first buy of 2 CALL option contracts unfortunately was not at the bottom, but the second CALL option contract was very close to the bottom and stock price pivot point.

Apple (AAPL) stock price down to $121

Here are the details of this trade:

Three contracts were bought and sold in total.  The CALL contracts were January 2008 CALLS with a strike price of $135, the symbol is APVAG

Date          Symbol     Buy/Sell     #Cont     Price     Commiss

Aug.10        APVAG      Buy             2       $12.40       15

Aug.10        APVAG      Buy             1       $11.90       15

Aug.13        APVAG      Sell              3       $13.40       15

Profit = 4020 - 3670 = 350 -45 (Commiss) = $305 UD

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