Nearly 10 Trillion Dollars Missing From The Federal Reserve – American’s To Pay For It.

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This video of a congressional hearing, shows that nearly 10 Trillion U.S dollars is missing. The Federal Reserve central bank of the United States printed this money, which American taxpayers will need to pay back and even the head overseer of the Federal Reserve does not know who or where the money went.

It is incredible to see that the Federal Reserve is stealing Trillions of U.S dollars from right under Americans noses, and no one is the wiser. Many, Americans still think the Federal Reserve is part of the government…it is not… it is a “private corporation” just do your research.

Notice in the video, that when ask “who receive the money?“, the lady (head Federal Reserve overseer committee) who is responsible for investigating the activities of the Federal Reserve has no idea after 6 months of looking into it. Pathetic.

How can 10 Trillion U.S dollars go missing just like that?
Especially, money that taxpayers will need to pay back.

It is outright theft and the Trillions of U.S dollars went to large banks, it went to building of weapons and to fund wars in the middle east (Iraq, Syria, Egypt) and to the expansion of military powers to Asia. Let’s not forget too, that it went right into politicians pockets to live their lavish lifestyles.

How can American citizens be supporting this?

In addition to adding to the money supply, it will also eventually lead to a huge devaluation of the U.S dollars, which will cause grand inflation all over the word, because the U.S dollar at this point in history is considered the world’s reserve currency.

Everyone, needs to wise up to the greatest theft of taxpayers money happening in history. Research the role of central banks and institutional banks in extracting wealth from people and causing economic collapse, devaluation of currency and wars in history.

I’m not even American.. I am Canadian, and after years of research the evidence is obvious. If you are American and you are reading this, you owe it to yourself to research what is happening to your country and its ripple effects around the world.

Just type in YouTube search keywords “Central Banks Documentary” and learn the history.

by Das Brain

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