2008 Miss Toronto Chinese Pageant Winner – My Cousin Christine

2008 Toronto Chinese Pageant Winner

Last Friday my cousin Christine was crowned the 2008 Miss Toronto Chinese Pageant winner. Congratulations Christine!

When she signed up for the Toronto Chinese Pageant we didn’t know whether she would have a chance, but as the preperations, rehearsals progressed it looked liked she had more of a chance, however the competition was still tough.

Toronto Chinese Pageant 2008 Winner

Last Friday, my wife, my mother and Christine’s mom, sister and brother went to the Toronto Convention Center for the evening to attend the pageant and cheer her on. I was at my mom’s house with my brother just hanging out, when I received a call from my wife at 11 pm telling me that Christine, just won one of the prizes , the Rogers Communication prize, which was a high end cell phone and plan. Hmmm…I thought, she won 1 prize so far, let’s hope she will win the entire pageant.

Next thing you know, I got a call just after 12am, and my wife told me she won the whole thing…she was crowned the 2008 Toronto Chinese Pageant Queen. I told my brother, and shouted a big WOOOHOOOOO for her at home :)

When my family got back from the pageant event at the Metro Toronto Convention Center, they told me that she won more prizes overall than any other previous contestant. Apparently, she won 5 out of the 8 prizes available during the
entire evening competition. All in all… $15,000 CAD worth of prizes. Wow, that was incredible.

As the winner of this 2008 Toronto Chinese Pageant, she will go to Hong Kong late December 2008 to compete in the Miss Asia, I think that is how it goes, but I may be wrong. In any case, her family is very proud of her and we congratulate her, we know it is not an easy process. Her life, will be very busy from now on doing commercials, appearances and ads, but Christine is a tough cookie she can handle it.

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