by Das Brain
Developing full fledge websites and blogs is another way to make money from the internet or web. I also employ this method in additional to domain parking and micro websites. The results are mixed, however that I think can be mostly attributed to lack of time spent on development and addition of new content on one of my websites. While the other video webiste which I have been working deligently at and actively marketing has been doing extremely well, with traffic increasing 3 times and revenue up 100%.
So, essentially this goes back to what I was saying earlier in my other post, which is the potential to make more revenue on any particular website truely depends on how much time you spend developing it, and actively market it. If you are not actively marketing it, then you just let the organic search engines results and other websites that have linked to your website do the work passively. Unfortunately, you cannot clone yourself, you can only focus on one thing at a time, and when you put all your focus into one website, the other one suffers. It’s pretty much with anything in life.
So what does a full fledge website entail. It is a website with more than 5 pages and lots and lots of content. I mentioned earlier in my previous post that internet traffic is the most important thing when it comes to a domain name, well content is king when it comes to a developed website and blog. The content on your website or blog must be of good quality and valuable to your readers, which will encourage the website reader to re-visit your website over and over again, like return customers.
One other thing to think of when you start to develop a full content website or blog is “Search Engine Optimization” or SEO as it is known. You will have to develop the website or blog with SEO in mind. Basically this means that you will need to write your articles with the keywords in mind and use those keywords often. The subject of SEO is another time consuming matter and I will need to talk about this another time.
Another aspect is that developing full websites and blogs takes extensive amount of time to get it ramped up with enough content to be able to get crawled by search engines such as Google and Yahoo, and for web visitors to deem valuable and become return readers.
Making money from fully developed websites and blogs is the same as the micro websites , which is through ad revenue from Google Adsense or Yahoo Publisher Network and also through affiliates such as Linkshare, Commission Junction and ClickBank. If you are willing to put the time and effort into developing a content rich website or blog, it can have big payoffs if done properly. There are many articles written about normal people who have made a living doing just this method and this is what I plan to do myself.
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