Gold, Silver To Go Higher Due To Gov Money Printing

Eric Sprott talks about gold and silver prices, governments and his physical silver fund.

As I already suspected, Gold and Silver is not a bubble simply because the U.S Government and European Governments keep printing money. Fiat currency may collapse and become worthless…like the U.S dollar’s recent declines and also because of the fact that the world lose confidence in the United States and not buy its treasuries. Once that happens the U.S will not have any money left to run the Government and social services and will need to print more thereby collapsing currency even more (viscous circle).

As early as January I opened a position in CGL-TO which is the Claymore Gold ETF on the Toronto Stock Exchange, though it was a little late compared to some people that have been in GOLD since 2 years ago or more…it is still not too late.

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