Harry Dent says “Major Crash” Coming for Stocks , Topping Out

Here is what Harry Dent is predicting for the coming future for stocks and commodities. I agree with him that the stock market is too crazy hot right now and is due for major correction in the future. Besides corporate profits, nothing much else is supporting the lofty stock market valuations. Jobs are not getting better nor is real estate and growth is slowing.

As for commodities as we’ve seen in the last few weeks, it has corrected however does the silver and gold fall mean that silver and gold prices are going lower? It is really hard to tell. I recently sold my CGL.TO Gold ETF shares and took profit, because if gold goes lower at least I took profit and if it looks right I can get back in.

The next 6 months to a year is going to be really interesting.

by Das Brain

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