Raise Debt Ceiling Or Face Default – United States Has No Funds, Needs To Print More Money…Again!

United States needs to raise debt ceiling or face default
On Monday, the U.S. government will hit the $14.294 trillion debt ceiling established by Congress and will have to decide and approve more borrowing, either from other countries or by printing more U.S dollars. The bottom line is America is completely broke, the U.S Government over the last 30 years has absolutely mis-managed the U.S taxpayers money.

If the debt ceiling is raised and more U.S dollars needs to be printed, it is going to cause the U.S dollar to be further devalued. Further devaluation of the U.S dollar will may cause gold and silver to spike up again, because gold and silver are a hedge to the U.S dollar in case the the dollar collapse as a currency.

As well if the U.S dollar weakens even more, inflation will continue to pose a problem.

by Das Brain

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