Apple Is Now Richer Than U.S. Government Treasury Department

Apple cash reserve now bigger than U.S Treasury
This doesn’t say much about how the U.S government manages its citizens / tax payers money, basically the operative word for U.S politicians actions is “wreckless” and “negligent”.

The U.S Treasury Department that has an enormous spending commitments (social securities, employment benefits, debt interest payments etc.) reported that its government bank account had less than $74-billion, and could hit zero dollars by August. 2. 2011.

In the mean time Apple the high-tech company now has $76 billion dollars in cash in the bank and this is growing every year.

America it seems within the next five to ten years in going have some major problems. It also seems that the politicians and bankers have already stolen all or most of American tax payers money right under their noses, and the citizens are to dumb down to protest about it.

It’s so sad that U.S citizens are so distracted by Kim Kardashian or Snooky that they don’t even know that they have been robbed and their country will be collapsing within the next decade.

Why are American’s just sitting there in front of the TV taking punch after punch.

by Das Brain

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