Computer Model of Irene’s Potential Impact Puts Estimated Damage at $4.7 Billion

Hurricane Irene damage estimated at $4.7 billion
Have you watched the mainstream news lately, it would seem that the hurricane Irene rebuilding or recovery is no where to be seen. The U.S government controlled news networks don’t want you to know that the American government is broke and FEMA has no money to help the 100′000 of people affected by the natural disaster.

It would seem again that the U.S government has failed to help its citizens. A lot of people have not even recovered from hurricane Katrina yet. Well, there is an easy solution here for the American government and that is to “sweep it under the carpet”…out of sight out of mind. That is why you don’t see many news stories about it.

Well, the whole natural disaster is going to cost the American taxpayer a lot of money to rebuild, click link to read more about damage caused by hurricane Irene -

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