America and Rome Empire Compared – Why the U.S. economy parallels Ancient Rome

American and Roman Empire parallels
When I learned of how the United States (America) has let their debt go out of control and as well over extended their military about 5 years ago, I immediately thought about the Roman Empire.

Digging into the history of how the Roman Empire declined will give you a clear picture of what lays ahead for the United States. It took about 100 years for the complete disintegration of the Roman Empire and for America the crack in the foundation of their economy started in the 1970’s when Nixon took the U.S dollar off of the gold standard and thus started the printing of more and more fiat money backed by nothing.

If the same holds true for the Roman Empire holds true for the United States of America then the complete decline may be the year 2070, however I think America rate of decline is much much faster. Soon within several years the debt to GDP ratio is going to be 134% which can render the U.S dollar worthless toilet paper.

Here is a great article worth checking out: Why the U.S. economy parallels Ancient Rome

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