Why Doesn’t The Stock Market Reflect The Imminent Global Depression?

1930 depression jobless unemployed
The truth is that the world economy is balancing on a very fine line, kinda like the man that recently tight roped walked across Niagra Falls. The momentum and direction is total slowdown and the reality is that things are getting worse.

However, when you look at the mainstream news and the stock market the talking heads are all telling the people of the United States that all is well. Keep buying , keep spending , borrow more money and live the lavish life. Of course this is all to hide the reality and perpetuate the debt finance life that the western world is so used to.
1930 depression era soup kitchen line up
The U.S stock and Europe stock market at this point in history is being massively manipulated to keep up appearance. American is in worse shape than Greece (this is a fact) when you look at the numbers, the federal debt and consumer debt picture don’t look great. To keep the U.S government running they need to print more money or borrow more money from foreigners and to hide this fact from their citizens and the world as they inject this printed toilet paper money into the stock market and say “Hey if the U.S economy is doing so bad, then why is our stock market soaring?” It is all an illusion, the ultimate house of cards.

Europe is in a pile of debt, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy all will need bailing out by Germany in the near future. Eventually the collapse of the Euro currency will take place and Europe will be in a much bigger mess than it is now.

by Das Brain.

Read more: Why Doesn’t The Stock Market Reflect The Imminent Global Depression?

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