Worst U.S. Recovery Since 1970’s – Sometime’s The Debt Bubble Is So Huge, You Can’t Fix Debt w/ More Debt

Three years into this supposed “recovery”, as the U.S. Government would have you believe. The American economy is really doing worse than when they started injecting printed money into the markets. The fact is the U.S is already in a “Depression”, there are many economist and statistics that have already proven this but mainstream media controlled by the government of course will not release this to the public.

Just go to websites like ZeroHedge.com that tells it like it is and you can comb through a whole lot of real economic information. Not lies that CNBC or WSJ tells the American citizen, another thing is read the Canadian papers like Financial Post and The Globe & Mail that has a more objective view than mainstream American media.

There is more slow downs ahead and what is needed is jobs, because without jobs people cannot make a living. It’s that simple.

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