Close Your Eyes and Say There is No Inflation – U.S Gov Inflation Reports Cooked

Inflation in the economy, slows growth in economy

If you have listened to Ben Bernake talk about the state of the U.S economy and about inflation last week, he basically shrugged it off. What Ben and the U.S government is doing is essentially lying to the American people…saying close your eyes there is no inflation, it is all in your heads. All part of tricking the american public into thinking that the economy is better than it actually is. The truth is that the economy is extremely fragile and inflation is out there and may put a stop into this fake economic recovery that was stimulated by printing more and more U.S dollars, sending the U.S dollar down and increasing the federal debt pushing it closer to 15 trillion.

Inflation has been on the rise and the two living expenses that has risen the most is food and gasoline. Surprising the U.S Gov doesn’t account food and gasoline in their statistics of the living expense and inflation reports. What a bunch of clowns….ya like nobody eats or drives you bunch of kangaroo politicians.

No matter what cooked reports the U.S Gov is trying to feed the American people, I am sure that the people are catching on. Things are getting more expensive while wages are not going up to match rising living expenses. Thank goodness for some investigative journalist and newspaper that do their own research. Below is one such report that proves inflation is happening, contrary to what the U.S Gov is trying to tell the public. Inflation is basically going to send the supposed recovery into a double dip recession, if not taken care of.;_ylt=AkQcySfA3WkdZsIk4lsMb5xO7sMF;_ylu=X3oDMTE5OGFhM2QyBHBvcwM5BHNlYwN3ZWVrZW5kRWRpdGlvbgRzbGsDd2hvaW5mbGF0aW9u?x=0

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