Why has the American economy been suffering, since the Vietnam war in the 1970’s.
The answer is simple WAR and rampant government corruption. Someone in the American government loves war, and has been in constant warfare since the 1970’s, wasting trillions of taxpayers dollars making the U.S.A broke (Read up on collapse of Roman Empire).
As of today the U.S government has a federal debt of 18 trillion dollars, so much debt that they have no other way to pay it back.
Pay very special attention to this documentary if you are not a sophisticated investor. The reality is most financial advisors are NOT very educated about the financial markets themselves. I had a bad experience myself with a dumb financial advisor at a major Canadian bank.
The majority of financial advisors have no idea about market timing and they usually are just salespeople wanting to sell you financial products so they can collect either commissions or residual income as long as you keep your money in the investment vehicle they recommend.
Despite the propaganda mainstream media of the United States telling its citizens that the economy is okay and everything will be fine, the truth about the U.S economy is much much worse than what they are portraying.
There are over 30% of the population that is out of work and stop looking for work. To put that into numbers that is roughly 90 million people out of work. Any new jobs created are not high quality jobs , they are low pay service jobs and those are not the jobs that millennials went to expensive college / school for.
I’ve been following the wisdom of Anton Kreil for years now, and this former Goldman Sachs trader knows his stuff, whether it be trading or about the truths of the financial industry.
In this video, which is a “Month in the life” of Anton Kreil, he reveals a lot of wisdom about succeeding in life. He talks about a person’s relationship with money, about what type of person you need to be and as well about how the government, educational system and the media are all against you.
Here is an interesting article by Paul Farrell of Marketwatch.com.
America’s GDP has been falling and growth has stagnated. Since the crash of 2008, there was really no economic recovery, just a bunch of lies telling people things have gotten better.
The stock market took off, but the underlying economy has stagnated. By my estimation I think the stock markets will crumble this year and get progressively worse until 2017-2018.
Watch this informative documentary and if you are American realize that what is true in this video about the U.K is also true about the United States, as America is already bankrupt and its federal debt is reaching 20 Trillion dollars.
Let’s get this straight first…the economy never recovered from the crash of 2007-2009. The mainstream media just lies to you telling you it has. Companies are still grabbing as much money as they can from consumers, because they have to make up for the difference from the ever increasing amount of people who are not spending money (employed, those in big debt and those saving for next recession)…and there are literally hundreds of millions of people in the U.S.A suffering right now.