You Think America Is Fair? – The New Robber Barons

American Robber Barrons ultra rich controls politicians and america

Here are two videos with a University Professor who studies social events and history. Basically he sees that only the rich and ultra rich (corporations) are benefiting in the United States, which takes us back to the “Robber Baron” days. Rich and politicians get their way with elbow rubbing, whispering in cocktail parties and back room deals.

Now if you think about a social system where Corporations and Government are so closely intertwined that is called “Facism” and that resembles closely the system in Nazi Germany in World War II.

Take this for example some ultra rich are able to park their money in tax free places like the Cayman Islands with deals with the IRS. IRS you ask? Yes, that is a U.S Government agency for tax collection….uh but if you are really rich you don’t have to pay taxes in the U.S, just the middle class that is being wiped out and the poor.

The above paragraph definitely sounds like the “Robbin Hood” days…take from the poor and give to the rich. That is so sad, but it’s been this reality for the United States since the 1980’s, however most Americans wouldn’t know because a lot of the stealing of the U.S taxpayers money has been done in secrecy.

Watch these 2 Yahoo Finance videos. Copy the url below to your browser.;_ylt=AicFn0th.YT53nyzptpXFw67YWsA;_ylu=X3oDMTE1a3F1OGtqBHBvcwM3BHNlYwN0ZWNoVGlja2VyBHNsawN0aGVuZXdyb2JiZXI-?tickers=MUB,^DJI,^GSPC,TBT,XLF,XLV,GLD;_ylt=Asg2.EWlgjd62azGz8ccCDm7YWsA;_ylu=X3oDMTE1cjVma2o0BHBvcwMzBHNlYwN0ZWNoVGlja2VyBHNsawNqZWZmcmV5c2FjaHM-?tickers=^DJI,^GSPC,MUB,TBT,TLT,UUP,SPY

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