The Economic Recovery Turns 2.5 Years , Feel Better Yet? – More Like No Recovery

Feeling financially burdened
The main stream media always use the word “recovery” very lightly and liberally even though the truth of the matter with the U.S and world economy is that things are getting worse. This is the way the media lie to people to get them to keep spending. The worlds debt keeps increasing at the fastest rate in history and people all around the world are suffering, because of stupid bets made by both banks and governments.

The people sure don’t feel any better, the mood of American’s are near its worst with real unemployment rate in the 20% range (U.S government says it is 9%, lies). People aren’t really spending because to some extent they know worse times are ahead and people who have jobs are the lucky ones and the ones who don’t are toughing it out as best they can.

The economic recovery turns 2: Feel better yet?

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