Harry Dent: Europe Trigger Next Global Economic Crash, Demographics, Get Out of Commodities

Henry S. Dent has a pretty good track record of foretelling what will happen. Nobody can predict when it will happen just what is going to happen and so far, the next crash is taking longer because of Fed stimulus.

He recommends get out of stocks, commodities and get into cash and U.S Treasuries. He is not a gold bug though. He thinks it is a commodity and will get pull down with all other commodities.

I think, there is one factor about gold though that Henry has not thought about and that is the devaluation of the U.S dollar by Fed printing more money and getting more into debt.

He also says that there will be a big “China Bubble” coming which is going to pop. So in sequence he predicts Europe crash, America Crash and then China will crash, all this doesn’t bode well for the world economy, so hang on to your hats.

When the markets crash, if you are in cash and treasuries as he recommends, you can buy out assets(stock, ETF, mutual funds, real estate etc.) at a super discount.

He also says don’t watch mainstream media like “CNBC”, they are lying to you about just how bad the economy is.

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