New U.S. Dollar Coin

New U.S. Dollar Coin

by Das Brain

This is just a short blurb on the new U.S. dollar coin.

Canadians have had our one dollar coin called the “loony” for a long time. It’s called a “loony” because there is a loon bird engraved on the coin so I wonder what nick names Americans our going to give the new U.S. dollar coin. How about “the George”, because I think “Washington” is already taken for another bill denomination, just a suggestion. We will see.

Since, the introduction of the loony Canadians have been walking around with a lot more coins in their pockets. Sometimes, there will so many dollar coins in our pockets that an individual will weigh a quarter pound heavier, and start walking funny. :)
So if you visit Canada, and you see Canadians walkin’ around funny, that is just because we have a lot of dollar coins in our pockets and it is screwing up our balance. :) Now, our American neighbours will have the same dollar coin problems. Don’t worry Americans you will get used to it. Women will just be carrying around a much heavier change purse, as for guys you might want to have your pant pockets re-inforced with super strong nylon thread.

Read the article [ Press Release]

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