“Does Anybody Deserve This!” CNN’s Don Lemon Shocked Police Brutality At NATO Protest In Chicago

This protest was on May 20th, 2012. It was a peaceful protest against the wars that NATO has engaged in over the past decade with America leading the charge for all the wars.

The U.S. government have bankrupted America with war after war. Trillions of taxpayers money have been used to start wars in the middle east under the cloak of “Democracy” but it is really for more foreign oil.

The people are not stupid, they see this. Now, the U.S.A and Isreal wants to start a new war with Iran, again with the American taxpayer paying for it.

I think in the next 5 years you will see even more American people get very angry over the mismanagement of U.S citizens tax dollar and the constant lies that the government feeds them.

Gerald Celente predicted more protest to happen in 2012 as a continuation to 2011 and he was dead on. Also read about the NDAA law that Obama has signed on January 1st, 2012 that infringes on U.S. citizens rights.

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