Gerald Celente – Goldseek Radio – 16 May 2012 – Gold, Manip CPI, Corrupt Politicians and China

- The U.S Federal reserve do not want Gold prices to rise, because people will see the truth that the U.S. dollar is going to be worthless because too much has been printed and the U.S government is too much in debt (15 Trillion).
- American’s are being lied to with government CPI (consumer price index) statistics which does not take into account gas and food prices into their statistics for inflation. Ya sure we don’t need to eat or drive our cars to work.
- The corrupt politicians keep stealing taxpayers money, and mooch of taxpayers money to live.
- China will experience economic hardship as well, when worldwide depression hits.

Expect a lot of negative changes economically within the next 5 years and possibly even another war on the horizon. This time the war with Iran.

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