The Economy Is Much Worse Than the Data Shows – Never Left Recession

American hasn't recovered from 2008-2009 economic recesssion
Despite what the mainstream media is telling you that the economy has recovered that is far from the truth or reality. Aren’t you wondering why there are so people out of jobs or why you cannot find a job?

Why are the U.S government job, GDP, manufacturing statistics more positive and inflated?
The truth / reality is that the U.S government is lying to the American citizens about just how bad the economy is, and the U.S government don’t know what they are doing to bring back job growth.

Meanwhile, the U.S government tries to distract and deflect hate to foreign entities like countries in middle east or blame China for the problems with their government controlled mainstream media. If you are American please take a hard look at the policies your government is executing…does it benefit you the citizen or the big corporations or wall street.

Click on link below to watch Yahoo Finance video:
U.S Economy last never left the recession

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