by Das Brain
I’m sure you are tired of hearing about my unexpected job situation, so I thought I change the topic and get right on with what this blog is supposed to be about…making money on the internet and financial market trading.
“So, How Do You Make Money From The Internet?”
For this post I am just going to list the various different ways you can make money from the web, however I will be following up with a detailed post for each method that is listed here.
1. Buying and selling domain names (1,2 or 3 word domain names that have high value keywords)
2. Parking high traffic domain names and making money through PPC (Pay Per Click)
3. Developing micro-websites, and make money when visitor clicks on ads or buys from affilliates.
4. Develop full fledge websites and blogs (more than 10 pages) and make money when visitor clicks on ads or buys from affilliates.
5. Develop an e-commerce site and sell your own goods online.
6. Open up an account on Ebay and sell your own goods through Ebay.
The above are methods of making money on the internet / web that I have tried before and I will be going into much more details about each of them. There may be more ways of making money on the web, but I can only write what I have experience with. I can’t tell you what I haven’t tried…..right?
Stay tuned.
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[...] Before I start detailing each way of making money from the internet as listed in my previous post, I would first like say that it is hard work and definitely not a get rich quick scheme. It is more like the more time and effort you put into it, the more you can potentially make. [...]