Since I started back in 2005 tinkering with designing web sites and placing affiliate links on the website, I have come a long way working my web business part-time. It is now at the end of 2009, and soon 2010 and from a percentage perspective the business is now making almost twice its cost, about 90% profit, before taxes.
This from working part-time (less than 2 hrs / week) on blogs and micro websites with a portfolio of over 100 domains. Between the 2005 to 2008 things were very slow as I made a vast amount of mistakes and learn a lot about what works and what doesn’t…this was all part of business though, I had to have made those mistakes to learn. However the most important part though is that I did not give up. Most people about 80% of people who start businesses give up within the first year or two, which leaves only the 20% of persistent individuals to go on and succeed.
To date only a fraction of the 100 plus domains are developed into full web sites and blogs, a big chunk of them are micro-websites bringing a large percentage of the revenue. Going forward the next decade, between 2010 to 2020 my goal is to develop out all the domains.
Up until now, making money from Adsense and hard affiliate products commissions has been slow, what I mean by that is that the revenue growth is slow from year to year, and the payout are micro per click. Starting 2010, I will be looking and experimenting with other ways of making money from the internet that have much larger payouts and as well makes revenue growth faster. I’m sure I will make a few mistakes while experimenting, but hey again that is all part of doing business.
I will keep you posted, as to my progress.
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Well! good idea about Micro sites. this sit is best for information. i like this.
keeo it up.
Thanks for sharing.