Archive for the ‘Retirement Planning’ Category

Should America Be Blamed By The Rest Of The World For Causing The Global Economic Recession / Decline?

Tuesday, April 7th, 2009

Here is a video of a British economist, talking about how the rest of the world feel right now about the irresponsibilities of the U.S Government and the U.S financial system.

Click “PLAY” to watch the video…interesting views.

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Recent Reports Show Canada Has The World’s Soundest Banking System

Tuesday, November 11th, 2008

The Bank of Canada building engraving - Canada's stable Banking System A recent report shows that Canada has the world’s most stable banking system, unlike Canada’s neighbors to the south, the United States currently ranks 40.  The U.S has suffered a financial industry, stock market collapse due to de-regulations which allowed their banks to do anything they want, including greedy un-scrupulous lending practices.

Click here to see “Maxed Out” the documentary to see what happened in the United States to their financial system.

Read the article below.

Kiyosaki Is Right – Mutual Funds Get Greedy

Tuesday, February 6th, 2007

I came across this article first thing this morning on Yahoo Finance. It is from Yahoo Finance, and one of its expert panel writers Robert Kiyosaki. I agree with the article simply because I worked in the financial industry for a good six years, and I know that Mutual Funds do take their chunk from the investor in the form of M.E.R (manage expense ratio). This of course cuts into the return of the investor.

When Investment Advisors Can Cost You Money

Friday, January 19th, 2007

Das Brain

My wife signed up for her works retirement savings plan a few months back through her company’s investment brokers “Dundee Securities Corporation”, and she began contributing into a Stock Growth fund.

Well recently, she called the broker to move her assets from Stock Growth Fund into a mutual fund that invest in Money Market instead of stocks to reduce exposure to a downward or volatile market, and the broker tried and succeeded in talking her out of moving it.

Asset Allocation in Retirement Fund

Friday, January 19th, 2007

by Das Brain

On January 15th I switched mutul funds in my retirement fund from a Balance Fund to a Money Market fund. I basically moved the full amount to the Money Market Fund as part of my asset allocation strategy. For those of you who are NOT very familiar with what a Balance or Money Market Fund is, here is a brief explanation.