Other U.S Government departments are affected by government shutdown like NASA. A few days of no work for more than 10 million Americans is going to impact the U.S economy in a big way.
It basically means these people will be tightening their belts.
Don’t hate the rich and wealthy. At one point they were either poor or middle class just like you, however the difference is that they think differently and work much harder.
Sometime, people who are struggling say to themselves, I work extremely hard…why am I not rich. The reason, is in “how you think” and know how to find opportunities.
The transports are always a good indicator of where the economy may be heading, and the fact the UPS (United Parcel Service) has cut their forecast and is possibly laying off people is not a good indicator.
This usually means that companies/business and people worldwide are buying less which reflects in less goods being shipped. All a sign of a slowing economy.
I can’t believe the Fed, changing the way they measure inflation. Oh great, further cooking and fudging of the numbers to make the economy look better than it actually is.
Everyone, who goes shopping for food realizes that there is inflation, but the U.S government keep lying to the American public, and 90% of U.S citizens are just eating it up….Duh OK we believe the government.
Finally after pressure from the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) Bell is going to stop traffic shaping / throttling of internet traffic of their Internet customers. They were targeting specifically peer-to-peer users like BitTorrent and other P2P services. This is a good move for Bell and I think they will gain lots of customer from Rogers Internet.
The Chevy Volt was praised as being a game changer in the electric car market, but bugs and complaints are starting to creep up. The Volt’s is made to travel hundreds of miles before needing to recharge and the owners’ of Chevy Volt’s have raised complaints on whether the Volt’s cord can handle every outlet away from home.
It’s no surprise that Canadian’s are having a hard time getting by financially. Canadian’s are currently burden down by heavy debt (Canadian household debt hits 1.5 Trillion), bills and are really having a hard time getting by. That is why about 30% of people surveyed said that they are cutting back spending simply because they feel that their financial security right now is not sound.
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While the United States government lies about their inflation numbers and creates inflation around the world by printing more U.S dollars, Canadian food prices have been rising at the fastest rate in two years. Many experts already know there is food inflation across the world and now it has been affecting Canadian consumers.
Statistics Canada figures showed that food prices rose 4.3 per cent in June from a year ago, . That’s the highest since July, 2009, and a tick upwards from the 3.9-per-cent pace in May.