Archive for the ‘Crypto Currency’ Category

The Battle for Freedom or Tyranny Is Being Waged On The Blockchain – Jeff Berwick On Free Your Mind

Monday, January 1st, 2018

The Central Banks that controls the printing of fiat money, will get very very desperate in 2018, and will try to hinder and slow down the adoption of crypto-currencies. Central Banks will ramp up the media to denounce crypto-currencies, because “cryptos” posed a big threat to the Central Banks corrupted system.

Financial Calamity to Likely Occur This Fall

Wednesday, September 28th, 2016

Microsoft Corporation Now Accepts Bitcoin – Quietly

Thursday, December 11th, 2014

This means bitcoin can now be used to buy content including games and videos on Xbox game consoles, to purchase apps and services for Windows phones or to buy Microsoft software. Only U.S.-based customers can make bitcoin payments, and bitcoin must be used in fixed amounts.

For some reason, many people still think bitcoin is a fad and not taken seriously, but now hundreds of online vendors now accepts it.

Paypal Deals Help Bitcoin Payments

Wednesday, September 24th, 2014

It was just a matter of time, lots of online travel (Expdia, , tech shops (, Tigerdirect etc) have already started accepting Bitcoins and now PayPal the big player in mobile payment space is moving in.

Great news. Bitcoin is not just a underground digital currency anymore.

Bitcoin Jesus Wants Rich People To Go to St. Kitts

Monday, June 16th, 2014

St. Kitts offer a tax haven for the rich and no max limits on foreign money transfers.

Dish Network to Accept Bitcoin in Q3 – Another Major U.S Biz On The Bandwagon

Thursday, May 29th, 2014

Further legitimizing Bitcoin as an alternative currency to the U.S dollar, one of the largest media company in the United States will begin to accept Bitcoins from potential customers.

By Saumya Vaishampayan

Marc Faber: China Huge Credit Bubble, U.S Gov Bad Treatment of World, Interest Rate Rise and Stock Market Crash

Monday, May 26th, 2014

Marc Faber covers a lot in this Bloomberg video from the fact that many momentum stocks have already corrected about 30% and if interest rate rises then he foresees a big stock market crash ahead.

He also thinks that the Chinese credit bubble is about to burst and that will cause economic shock as well. Then he talks about how the U.S government bullies countries around the world and cannot attack other countries around the world, like colonialism method back in the 1900’s.

Trading Bitcoin Person-To-Person In The Shadow Of Wall Street

Monday, May 12th, 2014

Just a little walk from the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) is the Bitcoin person to person exchange, where people can walk in and buy and sell Bitcoins.

Why U.S Gov, Federal Reserve and Banking Cartel Are Afraid of Bitcoin, Litecoin, GOLD and other Crypto Currencies

Tuesday, March 25th, 2014

Why is the U.S government, Federal Reserve and large banks that control the country and world afraid of the gold and crypto currency technology?

The simple answer is CONTROL.

Bitcoin-Wise Ukraine Protesters Use Digital Money’s Global Reach

Monday, March 3rd, 2014

During the protest in the Ukraine, protesters use the Bitcoin crypto currency network to receive donations from the world. Below is an excerpt from the Bloomberg article:

Ukrainian activists are turning to Bitcoins to fund a three-month protest in Kiev’s Independence Square that helped oust President Viktor Yanukovych amid violence that left at least 82 people dead.

Bitcoin Report Volume 81 (Bye Bye Corrupt Banksters)

Friday, February 21st, 2014

Banks are a parasitic force in the economy and steals bit by bit from the citizens of countries with fees, and destroy economies with risky bets that cost real people jobs.

With Bitcoin and other crypto currencies there is no need for banks in the future.

Eliminate the middle men the banksters, who are allowed to “launder drug money” and perform illegal activities behind the scenes, because they have put money in corrupt politicians pockets.