Perpetual war is the goal of the mad men that run the United States, because simply put the “military industrial complex” and corporations will continue to make billions of dollars while people die (U.S citizens and global citizens), and U.S taxpayers money will be drained for war.
The result of constant war is a bankrupt America, will also mean U.S.A will collapse as well and American citizens will suffer economically too.
Found this short documentary on YouTube, as the economy in the United States have declined severely.
The 2007-2008 financial crisis caused by Wall Street has caused the longest depression in history, although the government control media tells you it is just a recession (bunch of liars).
This depression has not ended and we are now in 2016, just ask some of your friends and family, I am sure they know people who have not recovered from the bad economy.
Watch this informative documentary and if you are American realize that what is true in this video about the U.K is also true about the United States, as America is already bankrupt and its federal debt is reaching 20 Trillion dollars.
Central Banks are criminal, they create an environment where the wealth is transferred from the poor, middle class up to the government and elite’s pockets.
Increase money supply will eventually devalue currencies and cause inflation.
Remember, in this environment taxes, government services fees, real estate and cost of living goes up.
This CBC documentary shows that the free market pricing mechanism is broken and the markets are manipulated more than ever now.
In the last 5 years alone, it has been proven that interest rates, gold, silver and other commodities are rigged as well. The most rigged are the American stock exchanges like the DOW , S&P and Nasdaq.