Archive for the ‘Travel and Leisure’ Category
Friday, July 3rd, 2015
I’ve done business travel out of Pearson International Airport (Toronto) for 12 years and I can attest that Air Canada is the worst airline in Canada.
Not that we have much of a choice, because there is only Air Canada and WestJet in Canada now. The customer facing employees are rude, they don’t care and a lot of the times don’t know what they are talking about. The on plane staff, is pretty much the worst in the industry. I’ve flown international for several years and would have to say, that the Air Canada crews and check-in agents are usually the worst (rude/indifferent).
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BC Woman’s Nightmare Experience with Air Canada
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Tags: Air Canada, BC, Nightmare Experience, with, Woman's
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Friday, January 3rd, 2014
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Tags: Begin, Colorado, in, Legal, Marijuana, of, Retail Sales
Posted in Announcements, Economy, Health, Politics, Travel and Leisure, Videos | Comments Off
Wednesday, October 31st, 2012
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Posted in Economy, Travel and Leisure, Videos | Comments Off
Friday, April 8th, 2011
After the Japan nuclear plant release of radiative water into the ocean the technicians at the Fukushima plant plugged a crack that had been gushing contaminated water into the Pacific.
This contamination in waters off the coast has fallen dramatically since then, but chances of the winds and rain heading towards South Korean might contain radiation.
This could affect the drinking water and food supply from fruits, vegetables and milk, not to mention fish from waters of South Korea.
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100’s of South Korean Schools Cancel – Fear of Radioactive Rain
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Posted in Economy, Health, Travel and Leisure | Comments Off
Thursday, August 12th, 2010
Here are more comfortable travelling shoe reviews (continued from Part 1)
4. Ahnu Drake
The Ahnu Drake is a snug fitty slip-on shoe. You’re probably thinking that these shoes will come off easily, but the tight elastics of this techy looking shoe will keep it snug on your feet. Once, on the Ahnu Drake feels very much like comfy sneakers, it features re-inforced toe-box area, uppers are waterproof and the soles are quite sticky for great traction. Price: $99
Posted in Travel and Leisure | 2 Comments »
Saturday, May 29th, 2010
Up to about a year ago, I did an extensive amount of travelling for business and many times I thank the stars that while running from home to airport, then to client offices and meetings…sometimes walking distances to find the right building that I had comfortable shoes on.
Here are 3 shoes that are comfortable and ideal for travelling
1. Timberland EarthKeeper’s Oxford
Posted in Off Topic, Travel and Leisure | 1 Comment »
Tuesday, September 15th, 2009
The Magellan Roadmate 1212 GPS was the first GPS Unit I ever owned. My wife and I went to Best Buy to pick it up, they had it on sale for $149.99 CAD. The goal with this first time car GPS unit purchase was to start with a basic one without all the bells and whistles.
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Magellan Roadmate 1212 GPS Review After Extensive Use In California
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Posted in Technology, Travel and Leisure | Comments Off
Wednesday, August 26th, 2009

Got back from my vacation to different parts of California last week, and I am finding it very difficult to get back into the groove of things when it comes to work at the office. I guess it is because my vacation in California was so relaxing and fun. While I was there, I didn’t even think about all the stupid things that are happening at my job right now…like slow sales, dumb ass management and the possibility of lay offs. My wife and I just enjoyed ourselves which is after all the purpose of a vacation, and i guess I did just that.
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Back From My California Vacation – Hard To Get Back To Work (Mind is still on vacation)
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Posted in Announcements, Job Related, Travel and Leisure | Comments Off
Thursday, August 6th, 2009

As the title of this post says, I am currently in Monterey, California enjoying the sun, beach and the tourist attractions like the Monterey Aquarium. I vacationed in California before back in 2007 and 2005, but I visited mainly southern California, this time my wife and I will be concentrating on central and northern California.
I will be writing about my Californian vacation in much more detail in the future on this website.
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Currently Vacationing In California……Again – Right Now I Am In Monterey
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Posted in Announcements, Travel and Leisure | Comments Off
Thursday, April 30th, 2009

Looking at the my FireFox browser, which default homepage is Yahoo, I can see clearly the the swine flu outbreak has taken over the headlines. When, I go to other other websites like MSN and even to my local area news websites like the Toronto Star, it’s always on the front page and this reminded me of the S.A.R.S incident back in 2003 where Toronto and Hong Kong was affected hard.
Posted in Job Related, Money, Personal Finance, Travel and Leisure | Comments Off
Wednesday, February 11th, 2009

After 10 months of part-time work on the “The Ultimate and Best Taiwan / Taipei Travel, Tourist, Visitor Attractions Guide” series of articles, it is finally done. Yippee!
Below is a listing of all the Taiwan articles listed in a logical order, meaning from some history, to intro, to finding out what to do in Taiwan.
1. Some History About Taiwan Before I Write About My Trip
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The Ultimate and Best Taiwan / Taipei Travel, Tourist, Visitor Attractions Guide
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