Archive for the ‘Trading Psychology’ Category

US middle class ’still in recession’ – Bad Jobs Report: Pro

Friday, September 5th, 2014

Where are the Bears? Stocks Are Not Cheap Now – Get Out

Monday, September 1st, 2014

This idiot Jonathan Golub of RBC Capital Markets says stock / equities are cheap right now. What an dumb ass, this is a shiny example of a “Wall Street Mouthpiece” at work. He is telling the public this because they know markets are high and they have stock inventory to sell to the suckers stock then head for the exit.

Everything is expensive. U.S. Stocks Are Hitting Records

Monday, September 1st, 2014

Possible USA Financial Collapse Set For 2015 – Biblical Relations (Harbinger)

Tuesday, July 1st, 2014

Stephen Molyneux: The Decline and Fall of Canada. Prepare Yourself Accordingly

Tuesday, June 24th, 2014

Stephen Molyneux goes through some very interesting statistics that I think every Canadian should know.

You must remember that, what the Canadian mainstream financial media tells you now are “lies”, after all it’s politicians behind a lot what you read in the news. Spinning positivity in everything, while things are falling apart in the background.

The Canadian Government is incompetent and don’t know how to manage taxpayers money.

Brian Belski is Wrong – He Says Bull Has Legs to Run Another 10 Years

Tuesday, June 24th, 2014

When bank economists and forecaster, comes out with these “pie in sky” predictions you know what they are doing is rounding up “the greater fools”. Trying to get people to dump more money into the stock market before a big crash.

I think Brian Belski is borderline retarded, his predictions are based on wrong assumptions and fantasy.

For instance:
“Children of the boomers, is growing and “this cohort” has historically had a direct impact on stock prices.”

Last Time Implied Volatility Hit Lows, Watch Out Below Stock Market

Thursday, May 29th, 2014

This chart originally featured , basically hit shows that the last time the volatility hit this low, it was right before the huge market downturn which started in 2007.

Marc Faber: China Huge Credit Bubble, U.S Gov Bad Treatment of World, Interest Rate Rise and Stock Market Crash

Monday, May 26th, 2014

Marc Faber covers a lot in this Bloomberg video from the fact that many momentum stocks have already corrected about 30% and if interest rate rises then he foresees a big stock market crash ahead.

He also thinks that the Chinese credit bubble is about to burst and that will cause economic shock as well. Then he talks about how the U.S government bullies countries around the world and cannot attack other countries around the world, like colonialism method back in the 1900’s.

Stock Market Collapse Any Day ; Charles Nenner, Karen Hudes, Robert Murphy

Monday, May 12th, 2014

Finance Books I’ve Read in the Year 2013 – Busy Work Year, Less Reading

Tuesday, April 8th, 2014

The year 2013 was quite a busy year, so of course when I am on the move so much and time is limited it affects when I can pick up a book, sit down and read. In year 2012, I finished roughly 21 books but 2013 I went through 15 finance related books.

Note: You will see other books in the list, but I didn’t put a number beside them because it wasn’t finance related.

Coming U.S. Russian Sanctions, Hamas/Israel Cease-Fire Broken,CIA Senate Spying

Wednesday, March 19th, 2014