Archive for the ‘Trading Psychology’ Category

Why Over The Next Decade Things Are Going To Get Real Bad

Monday, December 2nd, 2013

This video is a description of all the wrong things that the U.S government and other governments around the world is doing by keep printing more money than god.
Have a listen and prepare for the future.

How Bad Will New Investors Get Hit? – All Time Equities Mutual Fund InFlow

Tuesday, November 12th, 2013

Recently there have been many articles stating that there is now record number of money inflow into stock/equity mutual fund by retail investors. This is a sign that the market might be topping, when enough money goes into this market and drives up the stock market in the short-term , it is going to be the “blow off top”.

Art Cashin: Tech Valuations Remind Me of Dot-Com Bubble

Thursday, October 31st, 2013

Wall Street is pushing Facebook, Apple and Amazon. Earnings and outlook for some of these tech companies aren’t looking good going forward, but some reason the stock price keeps going up.

The Nasdaq is probably on its last push upwards, but you never know it can go higher as the U.S Fed prints more money and injects it (manipulate) into the market.

Is Another Market Crash Around the Corner?

Wednesday, October 30th, 2013

The market has been on a mega uptrend since October 2011 and that long term trend has not been broken. Who knows then the rug will be pulled from under the markets feet.

From the looks of it (the technical charts) , S&P will probably be pushed to 1800, the Nasdaq will be pushed to 4000 and the TSX (Toronto Stock Exchange) will make a final push to 13250. Those seem to be the major resistance areas. Nobody knows when the markets is going take a dump.

A Financial System Meltdown Is Not Far Off. By Gregory Mannarino

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013

Massive Financial Crisis Coming – Jim Rogers **Must Watch **

Thursday, October 3rd, 2013

Jim Rogers has some great insights based on logic, common sense and history, while the idiots running the American economy is in fantasy land and are mis-managing everything.

Watch the video, and know what is coming down the pipe , in terms of the world economy in the next few years.

Global Economy Entering a Soft Patch: John Woods

Thursday, October 3rd, 2013

If global economy is heading towards a soft patch, that means shortly the global stock markets will follow.

If global demand for goods slow that will mean lower demand for manufactured goods, this will mean commodities will fall as well.

However, the stock markets are generally a leading indicator so let’s see what happens in the next 6 months.

40% Odds of a U.S. Gov. Shutdown and Default

Wednesday, September 25th, 2013

Video courtesy of Reuters.

Like the previous debt ceiling debates by U.S Congress, this one is probably going to go down to the wire.

October 17th is the deadline…I think and just before that date they are going to decide to raise the debt ceiling and call up “Helicopter Ben”, Ben Bernake to fire up the U.S dollar printing press and print a few more trillion dollars. Hey let’s just create money out of thing air.

Euro Crisis Over? Think again. France Not In Good Shape

Wednesday, September 25th, 2013

In last few years the Euro Zone has been deteriorating. First to head for recession and then depression was Greece, then Cypress, Spain and Portugal. Unemployment at many of these countries now exceed 20%.

The U.S media hasn’t broadcasted a whole lot about this but now here comes France…one of the largest economy in Europe. France, economy is burden by huge debts and the economic slowdown continues.

Trader Chaos as Nasdaq Halts Options Trading – Creates Uncertain Trader Anxiety

Thursday, August 22nd, 2013

Market Turmoil – Valuations in Indonesia at 14-Month Low

Wednesday, August 21st, 2013

The current instability in South East Asia will add a lot of uncertainty and fear in the global markets. India, Malaysia and Indonesia markets are now experiencing increase volatility and downward movement.

This can be the start of a fearful market psychology that can affect the U.S stock markets. Keep a watchful eye over the 2nd half of 2013.

by Das Brain