Posts Tagged ‘2014’
Monday, June 23rd, 2014

Congratulations to Michelle Wie for winning the U.S Women’s Open at Pinehurst, NC. She worked so hard for this and she deserved it.
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Tags: 2014, at Pinehurst, June 22, Michelle Wie, N.C., on Sunday, U.S., Wins, Women's Open
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Wednesday, March 19th, 2014
A conversation between me and the co-founder of “Quantum Fund” Jim Rogers. First interview with
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Tags: 2014, by Wen Yan, Interview, Jim Rogers, March 13, with
Posted in Debt Management, Economy, Money, Politics, Videos | Comments Off
Wednesday, January 29th, 2014
The greatest confluence of down-cycles since the 1930s is just ahead. The next great bubble will bursts in 2014. Harry outlines what will happen each quarter of 201
Are you prepared?
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Tags: 2014, Bubble, Depression Bursts, Great, Harry Dent's, Prediction, recession, The Next
Posted in Announcements, Commodities, Debt Management, ETF, Economy, Politics, Stock Trading, Trading Psychology, Videos | Comments Off
Tuesday, January 28th, 2014
Notice how the former bank CEO Patti Croft keeps painting a rosy picture of the economy. Through my years of observing the markets and mainstream finance media is that people employed in the financial service industry have to lie to the public.
She keeps things upbeat by using words like “improving” and “growth” , which are just flat out lies. Remember, bankers jobs are to keep you spending money and investing so they can make money off you in interest and fees, that’s it period.
This is a preview of
CBC The Bottom Line: 2014 Economic Outlook for Canada
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Tags: 2014, Canada, CBC, Economic Outlook, for, The Bottom Line
Posted in Economy, Job Related, Personal Finance, Politics, Real Estate, Retirement Planning, Videos | Comments Off
Friday, January 3rd, 2014
2013 was a stellar year for Bitcoin and Litecoin. Crypto currency provides freedom from Central Banks that print money out of thin-air like it is going out of style.
Also Max tax about Edward Snowden and NSA spying on whole world. You don’t have to be a victim of government spying, use technologies that reduce your digital foot print.
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Tags: 2014, Bitcoin, Crypto Currencies, E543, Empire Kaput, Keiser Report, LiteCoin, Max Keiser
Posted in Commodities, Crime, Crypto Currency, Economy, Money, Politics, Stock Trading, Technology, Videos | Comments Off
Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013
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Tags: 2014, Another, by, Financial System, Gregory Mannarino, Is, Meltdown!, Not Far Off
Posted in Commodities, Debt Management, Economy, Money, Politics, Trading Psychology, Videos | Comments Off