Some great information about how the economies of the world got here, and details on why another big crash is coming soon.
Some great information about how the economies of the world got here, and details on why another big crash is coming soon.
Tags: $40 Trillion, Before September, Chris Martenson, Financial Crash, in Next, Lost, Prepare
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Chinese Prepare for Public Flood into Gold | McAlvany Commentary
Tuesday, June 18th, 2013-Money printing by the U.S Federal Reserve, dilution of currency ( devaluation)
-Delayed / lagging inflation looming
-History have shown this same thing happening before, it doesn’t end well
-Fake recovery and the mainstream financial media lying about recovery
-Asian investors heavily invested in gold, they know what is going to happen and preparing for the worse
Tags: Chinese, Commentary, Flood into Gold, for Public, McAlvany, Prepare
Posted in Commodities, Debt Management, Economy, Money, Politics, Stock Trading, Trading Psychology | Comments Off