Archive for the ‘Announcements’ Category

New Banner and Upgraded Blog

Sunday, April 7th, 2013

Hi visitors,

I have recently updated to a new banner on the blog and also upgraded the blog software.

The new banner signifies a new phase in my life and as well, it is a sign of the economic times. As you can see there is a chart showing debt going down and assets increasing…as well there is pictures of silver and gold bars on the right of the banner.

Meltup – Documentary On America’s Growing Debt and Future Collapse

Wednesday, February 20th, 2013

America is in deep financial trouble and there is no way out. Unfortunately, American’s are not educated enough in finance and the economy. The majority of American’s just want to have fun and let the politicians and bankers worry about the country.

The truth is the politicians and bankers are destroying America, with perpetual war spending and bank bail-outs, bankrupting the country and further taxing the citizens. Wake up!

Show This To Anyone That Believes That “Things Are Getting Better” In America

Monday, February 11th, 2013

run down detroit buildings homes 2008 - 2016 depression
From one of the most honest, truthful and hard facts websites around here is a guest post that brings to light how the “vales of deception” has been pulled over your eyes by politicians, corporations and the media. Politicians have spent U.S citizens tax dollars like it was going out of style and as well the corporations sold the American worker down the river by offshoring jobs overseas.

The Economy Is Much Worse Than the Data Shows – Never Left Recession

Monday, February 11th, 2013

American hasn't recovered from 2008-2009 economic recesssion
Despite what the mainstream media is telling you that the economy has recovered that is far from the truth or reality. Aren’t you wondering why there are so people out of jobs or why you cannot find a job?

Why are the U.S government job, GDP, manufacturing statistics more positive and inflated?
The truth / reality is that the U.S government is lying to the American citizens about just how bad the economy is, and the U.S government don’t know what they are doing to bring back job growth.

U.S Military and Police Performing Drills, Ready for Upcoming Economic Collapse

Wednesday, February 6th, 2013

This military drill in Miami, Florida.

These drills and many others like it are to prepare the American people for social unrest after an economic collapse.

And this one in Houston, Texas.

Come on, American’s put 2+2 together, your country cannot repay it’s debts and is already bankrupt. Do your own research, in the United States Constitution the government cannot use the military forces as police against their own people…I know this and I am Canadian for god sakes.

12 Year Old Girl Tells The SHEEPLE the Truth about ROTHSCHILD Central Banking System

Saturday, December 8th, 2012

This 12 year old gets it, the governments don’t get it or pretend they do not understand it, because they benefit from the banking system (corruption). Also, 80% of the population do not get it, because they are sheeples who are too lazy to do their own research on how the government waste, steal or tax dollars and how the banking system steal citizens hard earn dollars through interest rates.

It’s the Earnings, Stupid: “Atrocious” Q3 Turns Josh Brown Cautious On Stocks

Tuesday, November 6th, 2012

FLASH : Gerald Celente The Collapse is Accelerating

Wednesday, October 31st, 2012

Scenes From Recent Spain Protest – Police Brutality @ Maximum – Europe Spiraling Down

Friday, October 12th, 2012

After watching the above video, you will realize that Spain, Greece and parts of Europe that are protesting are in a downward spiral.

The Governments / politicians waste and steal taxpayers money, get into debt and now the citizens are paying the price.

This may eventually happen in the United States of America, most people out there… the “sheeples” will not see this coming.

QE3, Loss of Rights, Third World Police Tactics and Return to Feudalism

Tuesday, September 18th, 2012

In this Infowars Nightly News segment, researcher and author Gerald Celente breaks down the latest bankster scandal perpetuated by the Federal Reserve under the cover of a new round of quantitative easing to fix a collapsing economy.

Fed Announces QE3 Last Week – Economic Collapse Ahead?

Tuesday, September 18th, 2012