Posts Tagged ‘gold’
Wednesday, September 16th, 2015
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Tags: CHINA , Crash , gold , oil , silver , Stock Market , U.S Federal Reserve , was Engineered Posted in Commodities , Crime , Economy , Money , Politics , Stock Trading , Videos | Comments Off
Tuesday, March 25th, 2014
Why is the U.S government, Federal Reserve and large banks that control the country and world afraid of the gold and crypto currency technology?
The simple answer is CONTROL .
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Why U.S Gov, Federal Reserve and Banking Cartel Are Afraid of Bitcoin, Litecoin, GOLD and other Crypto Currencies .
Read the full post (1750 words, 5 images, estimated 7:00 mins reading time)
Tags: and , Are Afraid of , Banking Cartel , Bitcoin , Crypto Currencies , gold , LiteCoin , other , U.S Federal Reserve , Why Posted in Announcements , Commodities , Crime , Crypto Currency , Debt Management , Economy , Money , Personal Finance , Politics , Technology | Comments Off
Tuesday, January 21st, 2014
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Tags: CHINA , gold , GOLD Manipulation , REALIST NEWS , U.S owes Germany , US Posted in Commodities , Crime , Debt Management , Economy , Money , Politics , Videos | Comments Off
Wednesday, August 21st, 2013
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Tags: 1 , China economy , gold , Interview , Jim Rogers , Myamar , with CCTV Posted in Commodities , Debt Management , Economy , Politics , Stock Trading , Videos | Comments Off
Saturday, May 25th, 2013
This video is a great explanation of why oil prices have been rising since the 1970’s. 1971 was when U.S president Nixon took the United States off from the “Gold Standard” which was when the U.S dollar was pegged to gold, and since then the U.S Federal Reserve has been printing U.S dollars like it was going out of style putting America into staggering debt.
This is a preview of
US. Dollar to Become Next Japanese Yen – Petro Fiat Dollar, Blame The U.S Fedral Reserve .
Read the full post (274 words, estimated 1:06 mins reading time)
Tags: Become Next , Blame , Currency , gas prices , gold , Japanese Yen , Petro Fiat Dollar , U.S Fedral Reserve , US. Dollar Posted in Commodities , Economy , Personal Finance , Politics , Videos | Comments Off