Posts Tagged ‘Yes’

CBC – The National – Are The Markets Rigged? YES

Wednesday, February 26th, 2014

This CBC documentary shows that the free market pricing mechanism is broken and the markets are manipulated more than ever now.

In the last 5 years alone, it has been proven that interest rates, gold, silver and other commodities are rigged as well. The most rigged are the American stock exchanges like the DOW , S&P and Nasdaq.

Is Fed Stimulus Here to Stay? Yes, U.S Gov. Money Printing To Continue to Inflate Stock Market Bubble

Monday, June 17th, 2013

The U.S economy is a drug addict that is currently addicted to “printed U.S funny money” by the U.S Federal Reserve. Ben Bernake is the drug pusher injecting printed money into the bonds and stock market creating an “illusion” that the U.S economy is in so called “recovery”, but the reality is that U.S is deteriorating.

Think about it, if the stock market rises and rises, do you feel richer if you are a normal “joe blow” who is possibly unemployed and doesn’t invest in stocks?