Archive for the ‘Videos’ Category

World Bank Cuts 2015 Growth Forecast for China

Wednesday, January 14th, 2015

When China, the second largest economy in the world sneezes the world economy catches a cold…the U.S.A is usually the primary catalyst and we can already see the American markets weakening now. Within 6 months the U.S market is going down, already we can see many stocks taking a huge hit.

USA Watchdog – Oil Derivatives Explosion Double 2008 Sub-Prime Crisis

Tuesday, January 13th, 2015

Remember in 2008 the big catalyst to the stock market and economy blowing up was the “Subprime Mortgage” debt mess. After the beginning effects of the subprime debt was felt by the economy, all stock markets around the world plunged.

Debtors Prison – The Decline of America – Regression of Rights

Saturday, January 10th, 2015

America is now “Not For The People” any more, it has lost the idealism years ago. It is now “For the Government and Corporations” and screw the people. This is a result of course, due to mismanagement of American taxpayers money by corrupt government officials that have waste and stole all they can from the pot of cash. Who ends up paying for all the irresponsibility?? …you guess it the taxpayers / citizens.

Watch How a Homeless Man Spends $100

Friday, December 26th, 2014

Josh’s intention was to see what homeless people do with money given to them…”good or bad”. Buy liquor and booz up or do something else. Although, Josh Paler Lin was probably going to expect the worse, this homeless guy surprised him.

Not all homeless people are bad and deserve to be on the street, some are just victims of circumstance and couldn’t break out of a downward spiral.

Happy Holidays,

Stock Swings Signal Bull Run is on Last Legs

Tuesday, December 23rd, 2014

Stock swings may signal bull run is in its last throes

Micro-Aggression and Covert Systematic Racist in Society – Mainstream Media Turn it off

Thursday, December 18th, 2014

Where do this stereotypes and micro-aggression learning comes from?

It is a learned behavior through people you talk to (conversations), magazines, TV shows and movies. Look no further than mainstream media, mostly American TV and Hollywood. Here in Canada where I live, the shows are more inclusive of other minority groups and racism is less of a problem. Accept if you head out to the suburbs.

Mohammed Islam Did Not Make $72 Million Trading – The Kid Lied

Tuesday, December 16th, 2014

Their is something wrong in this world when people or kid like this wants to “be a somebody” so bad, that he is willing to lie and be boastful about making $72 million in a few years in stock trading.

Worst, still is the dumb ass columnist or writer at the New York Mag who did not do a thorough statement check of what this kid is really worth and his trading statements that confirm whatever funds he claim was actually obtain through verified trades.

Keiser Report 678: Westminster aka Westmonster – Bank Mortgage Crime

Tuesday, November 11th, 2014

Last Friday Market Wrap Up: The Jobs Number

Tuesday, November 11th, 2014

3.5% U.S.A GDP Growth, Not As Great As You Think

Thursday, October 30th, 2014

The real U.S.A GDP is 1.8% based on pure consumption and production, minus the government spending…which manipulated the GDP figure.

Degradation of Human Rights and Privacy in the U.S.A

Thursday, October 30th, 2014

As you live your life in America, you have this feeling that something is not right in America, but you can’t really put your finger on it. Cost of living has gone up and your pay has stayed the same or declined and benefits are being cut back.