Posts Tagged ‘Crisis’
Merkel Prepares For a Deliberate Crisis While White House Plans For a Disastrous Succession
Sunday, September 4th, 2016USA Watchdog – Oil Derivatives Explosion Double 2008 Sub-Prime Crisis
Tuesday, January 13th, 2015
Remember in 2008 the big catalyst to the stock market and economy blowing up was the “Subprime Mortgage” debt mess. After the beginning effects of the subprime debt was felt by the economy, all stock markets around the world plunged.
Ukraine Crisis Affects Markets Across the Globe
Monday, March 3rd, 2014Crisis to Chaos: History’s Biggest Defaults -> United States Next
Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013
If and when the United States defaults within 5-10 years , the national debt will reach well over 20 trillion U.S dollars. Already there is no way the U.S government can pay foreign bond investors, basically the U.S government has sold Germany, Japan, China and the rest of the world junk bonds that will be worthless within the next 5 years.
Is Bitcoin the future of currency? Cypress & Argentina Crisis Popularized Bitcoin
Tuesday, June 11th, 2013
Watch the video, click on above image to go to BBC.
Also read this article: Currency War/Crisis, Economic Instability Will Drive More People To BitCoin and other Crypto Currencies
Currency War/Crisis, Economic Instability Will Drive More People To BitCoin and other Crypto Currencies
Wednesday, June 5th, 2013
The current situation around the world pertaining to the world economy is not good. Some countries around the world are at war and some are experiencing extreme economic hardship.