New discovery by Kapersky anti-virus software company, shows that spying software has been placed on firmwares of hard drives which collects and reports information to the NSA. A former NSA employee has confirmed this finding.
Basically, this is yet another back-door that can be used to spy on the entire world, as you go about your business typing MS word, PowerPoint and other personal documents and store it on your hard drive, thinking it is safe and secure, but in-fact the backdoor may be reporting your work to spy agencies.
In addition to the oil price and Toronto Stock Exchange plunging from its high of 15700 points, now with the surprise rate cut by the Bank of Canada, the CAD dollar is taking a hit and along with that the Canadian Bond yields are going down too….Ouch.
The oil plunge will cause significant problems in western Canada, particularly Alberta which is now seeing huge layoffs in the oil fields and that will have ripple effects to be felt within 6 months.
This means bitcoin can now be used to buy content including games and videos on Xbox game consoles, to purchase apps and services for Windows phones or to buy Microsoft software. Only U.S.-based customers can make bitcoin payments, and bitcoin must be used in fixed amounts.
For some reason, many people still think bitcoin is a fad and not taken seriously, but now hundreds of online vendors now accepts it.
I have always believed that Gavin Menzies 1421 book has gotten it right, that Chinese explorers discovered North and South America way before the Europeans, but like most piece of information that is the “truth” , the truth is suppressed by the people in power.
While the U.S stock markets roar, higher there are plenty of hedge fund managers out there, that are already betting against further rally of the market upward, and looking to see a huge decline within the next year or so.
To the ignorant lamen, a person who lives his/her life without deliberately researching the state of the country he or she lives in and the world, it may seem that America is the doing “very well”. Since the U.S.A went off the gold standard in the 1970’s, America went on a mainstream media propaganda rampage of promoting itself as the world’s most stable country while over the decades it printed and borrowed trillions of dollars and recently has been practically bankrupt for the last 10 years.
It has always been said, that when the big market players like banks, hedge funds and billionaire titans turn negative on the stock market…watch out below.
It was just a matter of time, lots of online travel (Expdia, , tech shops (, Tigerdirect etc) have already started accepting Bitcoins and now PayPal the big player in mobile payment space is moving in.
Great news. Bitcoin is not just a underground digital currency anymore.
The markets has gone up after 3pm and we don’t know if it will trend much higher. If the bond buying / QE stops in October, that will mean the markets are going to fall hard. Hmmm….so maybe looks like we are going to see an October 2014 crash.
Richard Branson is not stupid…notice he says we will grab the “money” from the Winklevoss brothers while it’s there. He is referring to Bitcoin as money.
He’s not stupid, as he is divesting his investment…just like gold , he knows that bitcoin can see potential gains sometime in the future.
The Bloomberg anchor of course is bashing it. Mainstream media all have been bad mouthing bitcoin, because of course mainstream financial media is Wall Street and U.S government controlled.