Posts Tagged ‘Banks’

The System of Deepening Debt-Serfdom

Thursday, January 22nd, 2015


Very interesting article of how serfdom in the 1840-1850 have some similarities to today’s system of serfdom.

Attack On Crypto Currencies – Market Manipulation By Banks/Governments

Monday, December 9th, 2013

I think Bill Still is correct in his analysis.

This is a great example of Banks and Governments with large budgets and super computers using HFT (High Frequency Trading) to manipulate markets pushing prices up and down.

As I was checking the crypto currency market last night I noticed that pretty much all the top 10 crypto coins were being hammered down , Bitcoin was down over 30%, Litecoin was also down and Quark was down over 40% as well.

Banks Taking Your Cash to Balance Their Books – April 2013 Radio Free Canada Update

Saturday, June 8th, 2013

This is a great run down of how banks can get away with manipulation of trillions of dollars. It shows that governments cannot be trusted, governments will protect banks for frauds committed against citizens.

Governments will bail out banks when they screwed up, and also protect high up bank executives from going to jail. This is the two tier justice system we live in, both in Canada and else where in the world, the corrupt rich and wealthy bankers and politicians get special treatment.