Posts Tagged ‘Currency’
Crypto Currency Expert Trace Mayer Talks Bitcoin – Huge Future Potential
Thursday, January 23rd, 2014Bitcoin: Is the Currency Becoming More Real? Hell Ya
Wednesday, November 27th, 2013
I got into Bitcoins this year April, when it was at $120, and now it is at almost at $1000.
It is a viable currency, I have bought groceries and gift cards. If you can exchange Bitcoin for goods and services than it is a form of money.
As well, thousands of brick and mortar and online stores are now accepting Bitcoin.
US. Dollar to Become Next Japanese Yen – Petro Fiat Dollar, Blame The U.S Fedral Reserve
Saturday, May 25th, 2013
This video is a great explanation of why oil prices have been rising since the 1970’s. 1971 was when U.S president Nixon took the United States off from the “Gold Standard” which was when the U.S dollar was pegged to gold, and since then the U.S Federal Reserve has been printing U.S dollars like it was going out of style putting America into staggering debt.