Archive for the ‘Commodities’ Category

Jim Rogers Interview with the CCTV 1

Wednesday, August 21st, 2013

The Secret World of GOLD – CBC Full Documentary

Tuesday, July 9th, 2013

Paper (FIAT) money benefits governments (America), money printers (U.S Federal Reserve) and the military industrial complex (to wage war) and worst of all Banks and Wall Street.

At the end of the fiat currency cycle where the government prints too much money (16 trillion U.S dollars) and cannot repay its fake bond debts that was sold to other countries. Then the money printers (U.S.A) will manipulate the price of gold down and start accumulating gold in secrecy while telling the world that gold is “bad” . The money printers know that their ship is sinking and the game is almost over.

Marc Faber’s Gloom Boom & Doom: S&P 500 Could Fall 20% to 30%

Tuesday, July 2nd, 2013

More and more money printing to quantitative easy /QE 99. America is the only country that can cheat the world and call themselves the “richest nation on earth” because they print money out of thin air. It is incredible that the U.S can be in over 16.5 Trillion dollars in debt and still consider themselves the #1 economy.

Chinese Prepare for Public Flood into Gold | McAlvany Commentary

Tuesday, June 18th, 2013

    -Money printing by the U.S Federal Reserve, dilution of currency ( devaluation)
    -Delayed / lagging inflation looming
    -History have shown this same thing happening before, it doesn’t end well
    -Fake recovery and the mainstream financial media lying about recovery
    -Asian investors heavily invested in gold, they know what is going to happen and preparing for the worse

MAX MAX KEISER: Paper Jihad – Dollar Tyranny Kills Masses Around the World

Sunday, June 9th, 2013

Paper gold does not reflect the actual physical amount of gold out there. Basically, it is selling more contracts for gold that is not there or more contracts on physical gold than it is actually out there. What does this come down to?

Crash, Correction or Pullback: What Follows a Seven Month Rally?

Saturday, June 8th, 2013


The last year or so the stock market up trend has been fueled by “monopoly” money, yes printed U.S dollars from the American Federal Reserve has printed 85 billion U.S dollars a month and injected it into U.S Treasury bonds and the stock market.

See weekly charts below:
You see the economy is not getting better, the U.S controlled mainstream media has been lying to the world. Sooner or later, the printing press for U.S dollar stops, the manipulated stock market will crash big time.

US. Dollar to Become Next Japanese Yen – Petro Fiat Dollar, Blame The U.S Fedral Reserve

Saturday, May 25th, 2013

This video is a great explanation of why oil prices have been rising since the 1970’s. 1971 was when U.S president Nixon took the United States off from the “Gold Standard” which was when the U.S dollar was pegged to gold, and since then the U.S Federal Reserve has been printing U.S dollars like it was going out of style putting America into staggering debt.

Max Keiser on Bitcoin Currency

Tuesday, May 21st, 2013

Max Keiser discusses why Bitcoin and other crypto currencies like LiteCoin, TerraCoin will challenge both governments and the big banks that controls the world.

Gold View Similar to 1970s, Fitzpatrick Says

Tuesday, April 16th, 2013

New Banner and Upgraded Blog

Sunday, April 7th, 2013

Hi visitors,

I have recently updated to a new banner on the blog and also upgraded the blog software.

The new banner signifies a new phase in my life and as well, it is a sign of the economic times. As you can see there is a chart showing debt going down and assets increasing…as well there is pictures of silver and gold bars on the right of the banner.

Faber: Gov Will Take 20-30% of Your Wealth, Nowhere-to-Hide Bubbles and Market Top

Wednesday, March 27th, 2013