Archive for the ‘Crypto Currency’ Category
Introducing the World’s First Bitcoin ATM
Friday, July 12th, 2013Is Bitcoin the future of currency? Cypress & Argentina Crisis Popularized Bitcoin
Tuesday, June 11th, 2013
Watch the video, click on above image to go to BBC.
Also read this article: Currency War/Crisis, Economic Instability Will Drive More People To BitCoin and other Crypto Currencies
BITCOIN REVOLUTION Are Virtual Currencies the FUTURE of Banking – CrossTalk
Sunday, June 9th, 2013
The American guy Ed (older gentleman…white hair), he sounds just like an American government mouthpiece. At every opportunity Ed is denouncing BitCoin and saying that it will not work. Ed probably haven’t even tried BitCoin, he is mouthpiece for the U.S government trying to protect the worthless fiat U.S dollar. Also, Ed is also probably somehow compensated by Wall Street to bad mouth BitCoins, because BitCoins is a threat to wall street as well. A decentralized currency like BitCoin and other crypto currency will take power away from government and big banks.
Banks Taking Your Cash to Balance Their Books – April 2013 Radio Free Canada Update
Saturday, June 8th, 2013
This is a great run down of how banks can get away with manipulation of trillions of dollars. It shows that governments cannot be trusted, governments will protect banks for frauds committed against citizens.
Governments will bail out banks when they screwed up, and also protect high up bank executives from going to jail. This is the two tier justice system we live in, both in Canada and else where in the world, the corrupt rich and wealthy bankers and politicians get special treatment.
Currency War/Crisis, Economic Instability Will Drive More People To BitCoin and other Crypto Currencies
Wednesday, June 5th, 2013
The current situation around the world pertaining to the world economy is not good. Some countries around the world are at war and some are experiencing extreme economic hardship.
Max Keiser on Bitcoin Currency
Tuesday, May 21st, 2013
Max Keiser discusses why Bitcoin and other crypto currencies like LiteCoin, TerraCoin will challenge both governments and the big banks that controls the world.
Bitcoins in Argentina – Argentinian Peso / Currency Collapsing
Monday, May 20th, 2013The Bitcoin Debate: Economics vs. Virtual Reality
Friday, April 12th, 2013
The BitCoin currency network will create 21 million maximum coins and no more, unlike the U.S Government that is completely bankrupt and 16 Trillion dollars in debt that uses their Central Banks like the U.S Fed to keep printing digital U.S Dollars out of thin-air.
Governments Are Trying to Scare People Away from Bitcoins (Mar.30.2013)
Thursday, April 11th, 2013
All currencies are digital now anyways. The U.S dollar is nothing more than bits of ones and zeros in a banks computers. When the U.S Federal Exchange prints money they just hit a button on a computer. The same goes for all other modern countries.
The only difference is that BitCoins are not centrally controlled by any one Government.
Everyone, involved in the BitCoin network maintains the integrity of BitCoins.